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it seems like it is fun, i did not get very far, i had to stop to try to see what spells i needed to use, and i got stuck with having to put fire out, nothing i did seemed to work :( the wizard moves very fast, i feel you need a little buffer/tutorial at the start so the play could get used to the spell, and maybe look at the drawing mechanic(which is really cool i loved drawing lines all over xD) to see if you can make it that the lines dont have to be perfect? I thought intel was the orbs on the ground but i guess it's not. Good luck if you continue the game!


really like the drawing mechanic , fun game , very fast and has arcade feel


Artwork and Audio very good, I like the ambitious idea of drawing, and once I got used to it, it worked pretty good. The enemy moves way too fast. and intelligence is gathered way too slow. Because of the random procedural generation, It can be way too easy for the enemy to pull way ahead and I'll never catch up. Very good concept, can't wait to see more


Such a unique and interesting concept!

I just wish I was better at it. Maybe it's just me but it feels like this game is designed for people with drawing pads to speedrun it haha.

No matter what I did I couldn't get the combinations to work or keep up with Giuseppe at all. I tried my best to remove the barriers and go as quickly as possible but I guess I just kinda suck.

I managed to get to something like 26000 points on my best run but couldn't really improve any further than that.

I love the drawing mechanic and the systems I just wish I were better at them.

The art is super nice especially the title screen really sets the scene for the characters. The music/sound is pretty basic but there's nothing wrong with that.

Overall it was pretty fun I just wish I was better at it and could get the combinations to work so I could make an honest attempt at the leaderboard. Oh well I'll settle for whatever position I get haha.


Interesting concept. I like how you make this drawing mechanics and combinations. And the leaderboard gives motivation to get higher score, good desicion.


That was really fun! The spellcasting mechanic is novel and I'm impressed how reliable it is... very impressed with how you pulled that off. Makes me feel like a real wizard :)


My first run was like : wait am I doing it right ? Reload game

Second run I was fast as Sonic man ! Really fun, truly awesome and keeping on screen the magic you can use to get rid of obstacle is really ingenious. 
Sfx and music are fitting well and Giuseppe is my favorite wizard from now on.
Maybe is a little hard to read what Giuseppa says while running, just that.


This is pretty fun once you get the hang of it! I think the runes were a cool idea, kinda hard to do but it is satisfying to pull off. Probably the most enjoyable high score game i've seen in the jam so far. Overall the presentation was great, maybe some sfx for more flare but the music was great for the gameplay! I bet that drawing mechanic was hard to program, props to the team!


Cool idea! I had an incredibly hard time keeping up on level 1 but I liked drawing the spells. It reminded me of Okami.


It's a cool concept, and we had a lot of fun playing!

However, we did get stuck for a while until we discovered that you need to be touching the obstacle for the spells to work.

Drawing the spells is undoubtedly an original idea!
Keep it up :)